Diamonds are forever.

Diamonds are forever.

Le Figaro’s doctored front-page photo of Justice Minister Rachida Dati had her big diamond ring conveniently erased to protect her image as “representative of minorities”. Dati, daughter of African immigrants, comes from a family of 12.

Of course the woman enjoys her bling and that is not a problem, unless she were trying to portrait herself as “connected” to the common people in the midst of a financial crisis that is taking the weak French economy down the drain.

The head of Le Figaro’s photo department said the newspaper did not want to distract readers from the content of its interview:

“We assume. We did not want the ring to become the subject of debate. Mme Dati had nothing to do with it. It was an error of judgment. It won’t happen again.”

The newspaper Le Figaro belongs to billionaire Serge Dassault, friend of Sarkozy.